Top 10 Metrics And Benchmarks To Track From Cold Outreach As A B2B SaaS Company

Top 10 Metrics And Benchmarks To Track From Cold Outreach As A B2B SaaS Company

Do you want to track the performance of your cold email campaigns? Are you looking for the exact metrics to measure?

It is crucial to track metrics from Cold Outreach for B2B SaaS companies. It lets you assess campaign effectiveness and identify potential leads. This way, you can boost conversion rates, reduce costs, and enhance sales and marketing strategies. 

Quantitative metrics quantify cold email outreach success. It offers tangible data on open rates, response rates, and conversions. It enables precise campaign evaluation. AI tools like Scale are extremely useful in and can automate hyper-personalized cold outreach.

This article will tell you what metrics and benchmarks to consider while tracking cold emails.

Metric 1: Open Rate

Did you know that as per a report published by Gartner only 23.9% of sales emails are ever opened

The open rate is a vital metric that indicates engagement and effectiveness. It is the percentage of email recipients who open and view an email.  

An open rate of 15% or more can be a great benchmark for B2B SaaS companies.

A graph showing email open rates for different industries
The average email open rates by industry

You can improve open rates by using personalized and customized subject lines. Also, you can run A/B tests to identify the time frames for sending emails.

Metric 2: Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate (CTR) gauges the proportion of recipients who clicked on links. It indicates campaign engagement and drives potential conversions. A high CTR indicates that more users click on your link. It can lead to high conversion rates. 

An image listing the reasons why CTR is vital 
Why is it important to check CTR

The average CTR should be anywhere between 3% and 5%. You can improve CTR for cold outreach by adding a Call-To-Action Text and optimizing email content. 

Metric 3: Conversion Rate

Conversion rate signifies the percentage of cold outreach recipients who become leads or customers. It offers insight into campaign effectiveness.

The average conversion rate for cold reach is around 15% for a B2B SaaS company. 

Strategies to improve conversion rates:

  • Craft personalized emails
  • Create compelling messages by addressing pain points
  • Offer clear value propositions
  • Write a catchy and relevant subject line

Metric 4: Response Rate

Response rate measures the percentage of recipients who reply or take action in response to an outreach message. This key metric helps you assess the quality of your email copy. It lets you modify CTAs, subject lines, and timing. 

The average response rate for cold emails is around 8%. 

You can improve the Response Rate of your cold emails by carrying out A/B testing, personalizing emails, and putting a prompt CTA. Follow-up emails can further increase your response rates by 21%.

An image showing how the response rate varies with the number of outreach emails sent
Increase in response rate with more than one follow-up emails

Metric 5: Meeting or Demo Bookings

Booking meetings or demos is vital. This metric signifies prospect interest, progression, and potential conversions in B2B SaaS outreach.

The benchmark for this key metric is 12.5%.

Tips to increase meeting or demo bookings:

Metric 6: Pipeline Conversion Rate

The pipeline conversion rate assesses the percentage of leads moving through each sales funnel stage. It indicates the efficiency and impact of cold emails on sales progression. It can provide you with a better understanding of the way your sales funnel in comparison to other industries. 

The average benchmark for sales pipeline conversion rate selling SaaS products is around 7%.

Strategies to improve pipeline conversion rates include:

  • Targeted nurturing
  • Lead segmentation with tailored content
  • Automated sequences

Metric 7: Average Deal Size

Average deal size reveals the revenue generated per closed deal. It indicates the overall impact and profitability of B2B SaaS outreach efforts.

There are many ways of increasing the average deal size, such as

  • Increasing effort instead of activity
  • Providing better and more services to existing customers
  • Securing fixed prices for long-term contracts
  • Engaging directly with the decision-makers or C-suite
  • Filtering out targets that don’t suit your sales

Metrics 8: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the expense of acquiring a new customer. The interesting thing about the CAC benchmark is that no one CAC benchmark applies to all B2B SaaS companies. 

Some of the ways to improve CAC include:

  • Implementing automation tools like Scale lets you streamline processes. You can drive cost-efficient customer acquisition and nurture leads.
  • Crafting tailored content
  • Focusing on the targeted audience

Metric 9: Return on Investment

Measuring ROI in B2B SaaS cold outreach gauges campaign effectiveness. It facilitates resource allocation and revenue generation. It is essential for sustainable growth and profitability.

Divide your total profits by the total cost and multiply it by 100 to calculate the ROI of your cold email campaign. 

On average, companies may earn USD 36 for every dollar spent on emails. That’s an ROI of 3600%. Average ROI varies from industry to industry and lies somewhere around 36%. 

You can maximize ROIs in the following ways:

  • Ensuring consistent content optimization
  • Analyzing campaign data
  • Making informed decisions

Metric 10: Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) quantifies a customer's total worth to a business over their lifespan. This aids in evaluating campaigns' sustainable profitability and strategic effectiveness.

The standard benchmark for average CAC:CLTV is 1:3 for all industries. 

The ways of improving CLTV include:

  • Fostering strong customer relationships 
  • Implementing targeted upselling and cross-selling
  • Analyzing the data continuously to identify opportunities for improving CLTV


In the world of B2B SaaS, success hinges on data-driven decisions. By consistently tracking these top 10 key metrics and benchmarks from your cold email efforts, you pave the path to growth and excellence. These insights not only fuel your strategies but also empower your team to adapt, evolve, and conquer the ever-changing landscape of B2B SaaS.

To improve your cold outreach, register with Scale now!!

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